Is contraceptive/ family planning safer after getting vaccinated?
Covid 19 vaccines have been reported to react differently to everyone these have caused different side effects. The effects are because we have different bodies, with different blood types. With these effects, women have also had problems with their reproductive systems that were not anticipated.
The vaccines do not show any effects and interactions with the available contraceptives; the vaccine has passed all the required standards, effectiveness, and quality set by the world health organization to ensure that everyone is safe. There is no available evidence that the vaccines have any effects on fertility (Krishna, 2021). However, this does not reduce the worrying levels in women. They are not so sure if the method they are using is safe. This is because it has been reported that in some cases women have reported delays in their menstrual flows while others have reported having blood clots in their flow. For this being the first time this is been done there are no case studies to get data from on what the vaccine will cause so far. People have to work with the assurance given by the manufacturers..

contraceptives during a covid-19 attack on the body
Depending on a person’s body type and the method of family planning being used the side effects are going to happen due to the reaction the body will have towards the vaccine. Everybody including men has these reactions and cannot be traced to affect the fertility levels. Women should take the vaccine and continue to use their family planning with no worry of any side compilations.
To avoid ant unwanted pregnancies women are encouraged to keep using family planning methods advised by their medical practitioners and have regular checkups to note any changes that may come up with the vaccine.
Krishna, U. R. (2021). Reproductive Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, 1-5.