In what conditions does COVID-19 survive the longest?
The amount of time a virus can survive depends on the temperature, surface, and humidity of a place. After the virus is expelled from the body to a surface it survives for a while and when a person gets into contact with it they can still be infected. Initially, the virus was known to last for about two to three days on any surface, be it doorknobs, clothes, plastics, or even money notes. Research from an Australian agency by the name CSIRO found out the virus would survive for up to 28 days on the same surfaces that were earlier said to be two days, when kept on a 20C. These temperatures are almost equal to room temperature. When the same is done at the higher temperature probably double the temperature to 40C the virus dies after 24 hours.

Coffee shop closed by covid-19 with workers picking up and cleaning inside
When the virus is exposed to UV light it dries much quicker. The survival rates are so small. That is why during the dry seasons the virus transmission rates were low since they died quickly before they could get to the next person (Huang, T. B., at el 2020)
When the same virus is exposed to really cold temperature, and low humidity it can last for a long since the cold encourages the virus to survive and grow faster. The mutation rates get to be even more. The cold encourages other flu-related viruses to grow. With this, many viruses are generated and can cause more sickness to a person. All the viruses attacking a person all at once are riskier. It is hard to treat the covid 19 virus alone but when there are other viruses such as pneumonia the treatment becomes even harder.
However there are disagreements that are seen on these findings with fears of causing alarming concerns to the public. As much as the information is helpful people fear the temperature changes since they will be in trouble.
Huang, T. B., Fischer, R. J., Matson, M. J., van Doremalen, N., Vikesland, P. J., Marr, L. C., … & Lloyd-Smith, J. O. (2020). The effect of temperature and humidity on the stability.