Most asked questions about Covid 19?
What are covid and its main symptoms? This is a disease that is caused by a virus by the name SARS-CoV-2. The symptoms include fever, fatigue, and dry cough, loss of sense of smell and taste, and feeling sick. The symptoms can reoccur even after treatment for some people.
Who is at risk of getting covid? Anyone is at risk of getting covid 19. What matters most is how the body is immune to fight the virus. Elderly people and those with underlying conditions are at much risk of suffering serious effects and should highly protect themselves. Adults should take care of their children since nobody is safe.
Can testing be done at home? Covid 19 test can be done anywhere. People collect the samples and are taken to the testing center for testing and the results are sent back.
How does the virus spread? The virus is spread when an infected person comes into contact with uninfected people. The virus spreads through the touch of the virus droplets that are breathed out and lands on a person’s mouth, eyes, and nose.
How can I protect myself? Everybody can protect themselves by wearing masks at all times covering both the mouth and nose, maintaining the social distance of 1 meter, sanitizing or washing hands with soap and water, ensuring that all surfaces are cleaned often, and ensuring that everyone gets vaccinated fully.
What to do if someone gets sick in the house? There are emergency numbers sent to people according to where they live and are fully operational that one can call and get immediate attention be it sending ambulances to the sick person, and ensuring that the people who have been in contact with the patient are quarantined and tested.
Does contact tracing work? This is where people who have been in contact with covid 19 patients are traced and sent for a 14days quarantine. They are looked after and anyone generating any covid 19 symptoms is taken to hospital for further treatment. Testing is done before a person gets out of quarantine. The measures are taken to avoid spreading the virus.
Can animals contract covid 19? No animals have been reported to contract the covid 19 virus and they cannot spread the disease. People ought to however ensure safety between themselves and their pets.
Riggioni, C., Comberiati, P., Giovannini, M., Agache, I., Akdis, M., Alves‐Correia, M., … & Akdis, C. A. (2020). A compendium answering 150 questions on COVID‐19 and SARS‐CoV‐2. Allergy, 75(10), 2503-2541.