The healthcare workers form what is referred to as the first frontline system of defense when it comes to fighting against any outbreak. They routinely face potential exposure to airborne transmissible diseases when they come in contact with a slew of respiratory infections. Conversely, dangerous outbreak such as covid -19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) occur infrequently and with less predictable temporal patterns yet but have a much larger impact because of their severity
There have been several studies that have been carried out and findings have proposed a number of ways that the different stakeholders in the healthcare industry can undertake to safeguard the healthcare workers.
One of these includes coming up with novel product design and testing personal protective equipment are sorely needed. Such innovation could include the use of non-contact testing devices, this could be mobile apps, web app platforms among others. Innovative respiratory protection product design and testing have been accused of lagging behind compared to other sectors such as nuclear power and construction.
This is very unfortunate since health care workers would benefit from respiratory protection devices that resolve persistent concerns for discomfort and communication concert with the broad stakeholder engagement proposed above, continued engagement should focus explicitly on better product design and testing. Manufacturers must accelerate the speed and breadth of innovation as they develop and test products to protect health care workers from dangerous exposures.

Invasive and Non Invasive Covid-19 Testing
Governments are also urged to set up policies that set up research institutions. This can be seen from such institutions such as the DocSun Computation MedLab that partners with different research institutions for its programs. This initiative will avail funding and technical assistance to develop new products for use during a public health emergency. This will go a step further in meeting the essential needs of the health care workers and therefore prevent the loss of healthcare workers’ lives