As of recent study, there are four covid -19 variants the SARS-CoV-2 detected first in china and spreader all over the globe; the Alpha variant which was first detected in the United Kingdom, then there is the Beta variant detected in South Africa, the Gamma variant detected in Brazil, and finally, the Delta variant detected in India. (Li, Z., at el 2021). All these variants are still spreading slowly among the world but the Delta variant is spreading fast. The Delta variant which is the latest string to be detected is highly contagious and dangerous and can spread faster than the previous variants. It’s about the different attacks and is making more people sicker than previous variants. This entire variant attacks differently and has different strings. It requires more treatment measures than earlier variants. This can be because it has undergone mutations and is slightly different. Delta variant killed many people when it first came about since no one could figure out what it was like. (Khedar, R. at el 2021).
The Delta variant has not been seen to target children since they have large immunity compared to adults. However, even with its stronger strain the protective measures still apply and are effective. Avoiding crowded spaces, wearing a mask at all times when a person is outdoors and in public spaces, keeping well-ventilated spaces like opening windows and doors, sanitizing and washing hands at all times with soap and clean water, and most of all ensure that a person has been vaccinated with the approved vaccines.
As much as these strings are maybe different there should be a more serious approach to how the pandemic can come to an end before there are more mutations and things get worse than they were when the pandemic first hit.
Li, Z., Nie, K., Li, K., Hu, Y., Song, Y., Kang, M., … & Li, B. (2021). Genome Characterization of the First Outbreak of COVID-19 Delta Variant B. 1.617. 2—Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, May 2021. China CDC Weekly, 3(27), 587.
Khedar, R. S., Mittal, K., Ambaliya, H. C., Mathur, A., Gupta, J. B., Sharma, K. K., … & Gupta, R. (2021). Greater Covid-19 Severity and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients in Second (Delta Variant) Wave Compared to the First: Single Centre Prospective Study in India. medRxiv.