Different blood groups have different reactions since they contain different antigens and antibodies, which are responsible for the fight of foreign substances in the body and also provide immunity. Samples of people of all ages’ genders and nationalities were taken to provide accurate information about different blood types.
Blood group O is at lower risk whereas blood group A is at a higher risk. This is from a study done at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, blood group ABO were more likely to contract the disease compared to the non-O blood group. This is a difference in the antibody a and b. Blood group O contains the antibody a thus the lower risk. Even the mortality rates are evident to what extent the effects the antibodies have in our bodies (Zhao, J at el 2020).
The outcome is seen from the way people react at the intensive care unit (ICU). Most of the patients who require the most attention are the blood group A people. The care given to these patients has been seen to be a lot and most of the affected people end up in the ICU. The immunity in these blood groups is low and hence the consequences (Zhao, J at el 2020).
However, this does not mean that any blood group is better or after than the other. Anyone who violates the set rules set aside by World Health Organization concerning COVID-19 is at equal risk and can suffer hard. Blood group is not a major issue to look at while determining the severe outcome of the sickness some other underlining factors affect the study for example previous diseases in a person.
Zhao, J., Yang, Y., Huang, H., Li, D., Gu, G., Lu, X., Zhang, Z., Liu, T., Liu, Y., He, Y., Sun, B., Wei, M., Yang, G., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Zhou, X., Xing, M., and Wang, P.G. (2020). Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility. Clinical Infectious Disease. 2020 Aug 4. DOI